HELPFUL articles on dieting, staying healthy, weight loss, health remedies
Taking care of your skin is fine, right? No harm is done. Your skin develops some blemishes, you run to the store, get some ointment, and apply it. But, what if it goes overboard? What if, in your struggle to make your skin beautiful and healthy, you are actually harm…
You’ve heard people complain about having low blood sugar before and may have even experienced it yourself. But high blood sugar is also an issue that can cause a wide variety of symptoms (including making you feel like crap) and, if it’s becoming a regular thing, may…
More than 55 diseases have been linked to gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It’s estimated that 99% of the people who have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never diagnosed. It is also estimated that as much as 18% of the US populat…
Like it wasn’t har enough to buy the perfect bra, the modern fashion industry is completely ignoring the comfortable and hygiene part of the bra, replacing it with absolute trends and unbreathable materials. Buying the right bra is absolutely necessary for yo…
Oftentimes, two similar diseases exist but people end up knowing about only one of the two. This is one of those classic cases: Crohn’s disease is very common, but people know about its cousin, ulcerative colitis. Named after its discoverer, Burrill Crohn, back in …
One of the biggest road blocks that people tell me they have is time. We are all living in a super busy, wound up, go all day kind of world. Getting in eating healthy and workouts and stress reduction can actually be a challenge when you're trying to juggle wor…
Are you tired Cellulite? Want to get rid of it forever, and make your body all lovely and sleek? Yeah, me too, so I when one of my old 'Gym Boys' showed me this Exercise years ago, I started doing it all the time, and changed it up a bit to make it work mor…
When it comes to weight loss, it is true that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for your friend may not work for you. This is because of the fundamental fact that the biological responses to each and everyone's body is different and the reason…
WHAT EXACTLY IS A BALANCED DIET? This is a question that arises in our mind just as soon as we hear the words balanced diet. Balanced diet simply means that you need to eat five portions of meal each day. These five portions are designed in such a way that they …