HELPFUL articles on dieting, staying healthy, weight loss, health remedies
Like it wasn’t har enough to buy the perfect bra, the modern fashion industry is completely ignoring the comfortable and hygiene part of the bra, replacing it with absolute trends and unbreathable materials. Buying the right bra is absolutely necessary for yo…
Fat burners are quite common in the here and now. These nutritional supplements can help you reduce fat absorption, boost your metabolism and speed up the fat burning process in your body. Often, they are promoted as miraculous solutions for fat loss. However, t…
Who doesn't love some simple tweaks that can help them be more successful in their weight loss efforts? I have shared several in my book, Today is Still the Day, and companion 7 week plan. They may sound too simple to make much difference, but you'd be su…
One of the biggest road blocks that people tell me they have is time. We are all living in a super busy, wound up, go all day kind of world. Getting in eating healthy and workouts and stress reduction can actually be a challenge when you're trying to juggle wor…
Weight loss journeys are hard no matter where you start or how far you have come. At some point, most people have tried to lose weight and ended up quitting due to plateauing or receiving improper guidance. There are also seemingly endless weight loss gimmicks ou…
Are you tired Cellulite? Want to get rid of it forever, and make your body all lovely and sleek? Yeah, me too, so I when one of my old 'Gym Boys' showed me this Exercise years ago, I started doing it all the time, and changed it up a bit to make it work mor…
When it comes to weight loss, it is true that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for your friend may not work for you. This is because of the fundamental fact that the biological responses to each and everyone's body is different and the reason…
Going on a super-strict diet or spending every waking moment at the gym are the only ways to lose weight. However, what's the use of taking go through so much of hard work when at the end of the struggle you are going to end up gaining all the pounds you lost o…